The University of Minnesota employs two methods to dispose of biohazardous waste: autoclaving on site or collection of waste to be processed by an outside contractor. The preferred method is autoclaving due to the high cost of offsite processing — ten times the cost of regular waste disposal.
What Should You Do With Your Waste?
Click on the waste type below to view detailed waste collection information.
Animal-Related Waste
Bedding, cage, and water bottle from infected animals; carcasses; and tissue (including transgenic animals); and radioactive animal waste
Biological Toxins
Liquid waste and solid waste [low molecular weight toxin, and solid waste (proteinaceous toxin)]
Human-Related Waste
Organs, tissues, or body parts (pathological waste)
Liquid Biohazardous Waste
Organs, tissues, or body parts (pathological waste), liquid mixed biohazardous and radioactive waste (including r/sNAs)
Prion & PLP Waste
Liquid waste, solid waste, sharps, and animal tissue and carcasses
Sharps, Non-Sharps, and Glass
Contaminated and non-contaminated sharps, glass items, slides, cover slips, etc.