Sound is what we hear. Noise is really unwanted sound. The difference between sound and noise depends upon the listener and the circumstances. Some sounds may be pleasant to one person, or an annoyance to another.
Sound may be hazardous to a person's hearing if it is loud enough and long lasting. At work, noise exposure is one of the most common occupational health hazards with permanent hearing loss the main concern.
As a first step in dealing with noise, workplaces need to identify the areas or operations where excessive exposure to noise occurs.
Services We Provide
- Occupational noise hazard assessments
- Personal noise monitoring (noise dosimetry) and data analysis
- Area noise sampling and data analysis
- Recommendation for methods to reduce occupational noise exposures such as engineering, administrative controls, of PPE (e.g., personal hearing protection devices)
- Community noise surveys and data analysis
- Interior space noise contour sampling and data analysis
Noise Hazard Assessment
Contact Industrial Hygiene staff for a consultation and noise hazard assessment at [email protected] or
(612) 626-6002.
Our staff will identify:
- The noise source
- The exposure levels, and
- Make recommendations for the inclusion in the HCP, if needed
Visit the Occupational Health and Safety website for details on the U of M Hearing Conservation Program.