Regulatory Requirements
The current National Electrical Code (NEC) as adopted by the State of Minnesota generally requires electrical equipment to be listed and labeled by a nationally recognized testing laboratory (NRTL) and to be approved by the local regulatory authority having jurisdiction. Minnesota Rule 3801.3620 identifies some alternatives to national listing and labeling for non-listed equipment or for equipment manufactured outside the U.S. In some cases where equipment is manufactured outside the U.S. or does not conform to a listing, the rule allows evaluation by an approved NRTL or a third party engineering firm provided any deficiencies identified by the evaluation are corrected.
Prior to ordering or installing any new, used, or donated electrical equipment, check with the University building code office to review permit and inspection requirements and to verify that the equipment meets all of the approval conditions of the National Electrical Code. The State of Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry also has information on equipment requirements with links to approved testing agencies and third party evaluators in Minnesota.