The Department of Emergency Management coordinates the development of emergency plans on campus.
There are five levels of emergency plans at the University of Minnesota:
Building Emergency Plans - Each building on campus should have a Building Emergency Plan. The plan outlines evacuation procedures and other emergency instructions. In order to complete the plan, each building should identify one representative from each department located in the building to participate in a working group that will complete the plan template. Through the use of Smartsheet, representatives from each building will receive automatic notifications and alerts regarding their plan status, which includes regular reminders on training, and plan review. DEM assists in the design and implementation of functional and table-top exercises system-wide. To schedule a training session or to inquire further, please email [email protected]. The Building Emergency Plan template is available for download (below).
Continuity of Operations Plans - Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP) outline the steps critical operating units must take to keep their department running in the event of an emergency. Through the use of Smartsheet, representatives from each building will receive automatic notifications and alerts regarding their plan status, which includes regular reminders on training, and plan review. DEM assists in the design and implementation of functional and table-top exercises system-wide. To schedule a training session or to inquire further, please email [email protected]. Departments that are deemed "critical operating units" must complete a Continuity of Operations Plan, per the University's Policy for (download below). A list of critical operating units is available for download (below). The Continuity of Operations Plan template is also available for download (below).
COOP Disaster Recovery Requirements
Technologies often play a critical role in the continuity of operations and in our ability to recover in the event of a disaster. Departments that are deemed "critical operating units" must complete the Disaster Recovery Documents (below) for each technology owned. Please contact [email protected] with questions or for assistance.
- Disaster recovery attachment to COOP
- Business Impact Analysis Survey and Instructions
- Technology Overview Form
- Disaster Recovery Function Input Template
Emergency Operations Plan - The campus Emergency Operations Plan is the overall plan that guides University administrators in the event of an emergency. The University is required by the state Homeland Security and Emergency Management agency to have an Emergency Operations Plan. Due to the sensitive nature of the information contained in the plan, it is not made available to the public.
All-Hazards Mitigation Plan - DEM was awarded a $250,000 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant to develop a plan for each of the 5 campuses to include Threat, Hazard, Identification, Risk Assessment (THIRA). The plan was approved by the State, FEMA and the University in December 2016.
Threat & Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment (THIRA) - While the University of Minnesota is not required to conduct a Threat & Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment (THIRA), the Department of Emergency Management believes this process enables us to better identify potential risk and hazards and develop the capabilities needed to address them. The University of Minnesota THIRA assists the entire University system in setting priorities, developing capabilities, and identifying gaps in our resources.
The THIRA Process involves four steps:
- Identify Threats and Hazards of Concern: Based on a combination of experience, forecasting, subject matter expertise, and other available resources, identify a list of the threats and hazards of primary concern to the community.
- Give the Threats and Hazards Context: Describe the threats and hazards of concern, showing how they may affect the community.
- Establish Capability Targets: Assess each threat and hazard in context to develop a specific capability target for each core capability identified in the National Preparedness Goal. The capability target defines success for the capability.
- Apply the Results: For each core capability, estimate the resources required to achieve the capability targets through the use of community assets and mutual aid, while also considering preparedness activities, including mitigation opportunities.