This registry contains the most common chemicals collected by the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (approximately 99% of all chemicals used by the University). It provides the chemical information you need to safely handle your hazardous chemical waste and complete the waste packing form.
See the Chemical Waste Registry chemical information below for an explanation of what the table fields mean.
Drum Designator Code (DDC)
The DDC is an internal system developed by the Regulated Waste Program for classifying hazardous substances through the use of a two-part designation code. The first two digits of the DDC relate to the Department of Transportation (DOT) code and designate the chemical's primary hazard. The second part of the DDC consists of two letters which further describe the chemical/physical characteristics of the substance or defines the type of disposal or treatment methodology required.
Hazard Class Codes (First Two Digits of DDC)
Code |
Hazard Class |
01 | Corrosive bases |
02 | Corrosive acids |
05 | ORM-E (Other Regulated Materials-E) |
06 | Combustible materials |
07 | Flammable gases |
08 | Flammable liquids |
09 | Flammable solids |
11 | Non-flammable gases |
12 | Organic peroxides |
14 | Explosives |
16 | Oxidizers |
18 | Poisons |
Disposal Type Codes (Second Two Digits of DDC)
Code |
Chemical Type |
Code |
Chemical Type |
AS | Arsenic | OX | Oxidizer |
BS | Bulk solvent | PF | Peroxide former |
CC | Flammable caustic | PH | Inhalation hazard |
CG | Compressed gas | PL | Pyrophoric liquid |
CN | Cyanide | PO | Pourable oil |
DX | Dioxin containing | PS | Pyrophoric solid |
EX | Explosive | PW | Pyrophoric Water Reactive |
FA | Flammable acid | PX | PCB contaminated |
FL | Flammable | RA | Radioactive |
FS | Flammable solid | SC | Spontaneously Combustible |
HG | Mercury | SI | Solid inorganic |
HF | Hydrofluoric acid | SO | Solid organic |
HM | Heavy Metal | SR | Self-reactive solid |
LI | Liquid inorganic | STOS | Asbestos |
LO | Liquid organic | TC | Temperature controlled |
NA | Nitric acid | WF | Water-reactive flammable liquid |
NH | Nonhazardous | WS | Water reactive |
Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Number
The CAS number is a systematic number assigned to the chemical compound. Include this number on the waste packing form.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Number
The EPA number designated the primary hazard of a chemical according to the following guidelines:
EPA Number |
Hazard of Chemical |
D001 | Ignitables — flammable liquids and oxidants |
D002 | Corrosives — acids and bases |
D003 | Reactives — water and shock sensitive compounds |
D004–D043 | Toxic material — heavy metals, pesticides, organic solvents |
Pxxx | Acutely hazardous wastes |
Uxxx | Toxic hazardous wastes |
MN01 | Toxic materials not specified by the above (MN lethality waste code) |