Controlled Substances Disposal

Controlled substances that are expired, excess, or unwanted must be disposed of according to DEA regulations and HSRM guidelines.

All researchers disposing controlled substances must complete a Controlled Substance Disposal Form.

  1. Include the DEA Registrants name/signature on the form. Note: If you do not have a DEA Registrant, indicate "unknown" or "abandoned" on the form instead.
  2. Email one copy of the completed form to DEHS at [email protected] and include the following information to facilitate the transfer: 
  • your name
  • department
  • phone number
  • location (building and room number)

DEHS will contact you to schedule the transfer. 

Disposal of Excess Controlled Substances in Syringes

Researchers who have excess controlled substances in syringes after a research procedure are required to collect the excess in a slurry bottle and document the contents of the slurry bottle on a Controlled Substance Disposal Form. Use the same procedure as above to initiate collection. Do not use a syringe to remove the unused contents of a vial and collect in a slurry bottle. The unused substance in a vial should be disposed using the procedure described in the previous section.

Schedule I and II controlled substances should be placed in a separated slurry bottle from those in Schedule III-V.

Controlled substances in their original container which need to be disposed of should remain in the original container with the volume recorded on the Controlled Substance Disposal Form. 

If you have questions please contact DEHS at (612) 626-6002 or [email protected].

Controlled Substances Disposal Form