X-Ray Equipment & Accelerators
The Minnesota Department of Health has established rules for the registration and safe use of ionizing radiation sources such as medical or veterinary x-ray units, research or industrial x-ray units, and medical or research accelerators. The specific rules that apply to machine produced radiation are listed in the State of Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4732.
At the University of Minnesota, the Department of Radiation Safety (DRS) and Health, Safety, and Risk Management provide services and assistance to x-ray and accelerator operators to enable them to maintain compliance with State of Minnesota and University of Minnesota safety requirements.
The DRS has developed radiation safety guides as a means of informing operators of the potential hazards associated with these systems and of the precautions and procedures that are to be followed to minimize these hazards.
Additional information can be found at Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) X-ray home page.
Chapter 4732 is currently under review, and MDH is taking comments from the public. If you have comments or changes you would like to see, contact Radiation Safety and we will review and submit them to MDH.