Programs and Instructions

The Biosafety and Occupational Health Department (BOHD) supports compliance with occupational health requirements for various programs and organizations at the University by tracking the medical and training records for faculty, staff, students, and volunteers.

Find Your Program Requirements

Employees will find the following resources helpful in completing their program requirements:

  • Occupational Health Portal: A personalized view for each employee of:

    • Medical, training, and respirator requirements and instructions
    • Requirement due dates and completion dates
    • Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) protocol information
  • Clinical Services page: Instructions for scheduling medical requirement services

  • Submit Documents page: Instructions for submitting records to BOHD

Program Websites and Contacts

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Anatomy Bequest Program

Anatomy Bequest Program

For employees that work in the Anatomy Bequest Program


Casey Fleming
[email protected]

Biosafety Level 3 Program

Biosafety Level 3 Program

For employees/visitors accessing the BSL-3 Facilities


Thien Sam
[email protected]

Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Program

Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Program

For employees that may be exposed to bloodborne pathogens


Biosafety and Occupational Health Department
[email protected]

Community-University Health Care Center

Community-University Health Care Center 

For employees that work in a Community-University Health Care Center


Heather Ogren
[email protected]

Department of Public Safety

Department of Public Safety

For employees that work as security monitors and advisors (non-sworn)


Joseph Alf
[email protected]

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Drug and Alcohol Testing Program

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Testing Programs

For employees with responsibilities that are regulated by the Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)


Biosafety and Occupational Health Department
[email protected]

Graduate Medical Education

Graduate Medical Education

For employees that are in the Medical School residency and fellowship programs


Heather Woeste
[email protected]

Hearing Conservation Program

Hearing Conservation Program

For employees with responsibilities in areas where hearing protection is required


Biosafety and Occupational Health Department
[email protected]

Laboratory Animal Allergen Exposure Control Program

Laboratory Animal Allergen Exposure Control Program

For employees that may be at risk of acquiring or exacerbating laboratory animal allergies


Biosafety and Occupational Health Department
[email protected]

Neuromodulation Research Center

Neuromodulation Research Center

For employees working with MPTP


Hannah Baker
[email protected]

Non-Fairview Employed Research Staff

Non-Fairview Employed Research Staff 

For employees who require access to Fairview clinical areas for research.


Natalie Berres
[email protected]

Research Occupational Health Program

Research Occupational Health Program 

For faculty, staff, students, and volunteers who participate in observing or conducting animal research, teaching, or display or educational activities, or are entering areas that may involve exposure to University-owned animals (including carcasses, tissues, and fluids).


Biosafety and Occupational Health Department
[email protected]

Respiratory Protection Program

Respiratory Protection Program

For employees with responsibilities in areas where respiratory protection is voluntary and/or mandatory


Biosafety and Occupational Health Department
[email protected]

Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory

Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory

For employees that work in the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory


Carrie Wees 
[email protected]

Veterinary Medical Center

Veterinary Medical Center

For employees that work in the Veterinary Medical Center


VMC Infection Control Health & Safety
[email protected]