In most cases of a planned absence by the Unit Registrant, controlled substances can be ordered prior to departure. For an extended absence, sign a Power of Attorney form.
If the Unit Registrant will not be available for a specific period, the Power of Attorney form may be used to assign signature authority to another person to order controlled substances for research activities. The Power of Attorney form is assigned only for the specific period of time the Unit Registrant is absent and is not assigned as an enduring power of attorney.
You must plan ahead to have the current DEA registrant sign and date the Power of Attorney form before the absence occurs. When the DEA registrant returns, the Power of Attorney form is signed and dated to revoke the authority, according to the Power of Attorney form. DO NOT file a copy of a signed Power of Attorney for perpetual use. Be sure to list all DEA numbers with C-II permission on the Power of Attorney form.
MNBP recommends that the Power of Attorney is NOT assigned to another Unit Registrant.
To order controlled substances using the Power of Attorney form, the person granted signature authority signs the Form 222 order form. The Power of Attorney form must accompany the Form 222 when placing an order for controlled substances. File a copy of the Power of Attorney form with the purchase records of the Unit Registrant.