Laser Safety

The Department of Environmental Health and Safety, along with the Department of Radiation Safety, maintains a Laser Safety Program which has been developed to provide general laser safety information and to establish rules and procedures to ensure university faculty, staff, students, and visitors are not exposed to harmful laser radiation. This Laser Safety Program applies to all employees, contractors, and students working directly with or around Class 3B or Class 4 lasers within University of Minnesota research laboratories, teaching labs, non-traditional research spaces (e.g. makerspaces), and machine shops.

All personnel working within research labs or other areas that utilize Class 3B or Class 4 lasers or laser systems are required to:

  • Review the University Laser Safety Written Program
  • Complete laser safety training (both online and lab-specific)
  • Register their laser(s) or laser system(s) with the Laser Safety Officer
  • Be provided with appropriate PPE (minimally laser eyewear)
  • Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the alignment and general use of lasers

If you have any questions, please email the Laser Safety Officer, Brian Andersson, at [email protected] or call (612) 625-8925.

Laser Pointer Safety: