Emergency Response
The University’s Emergency Operations Plan includes information about evacuation guidelines; incident priorities and performance expectations; and operating status parameters. University departments, per University policy, are responsible for developing operational continuity plans for their staff and areas of responsibility. The University conducts numerous emergency response exercises each year, such as tabletop exercises, field exercise and tests of the emergency notification systems on campus. These tests are designed to assess and evaluate the emergency plans and capabilities of the institution.
University of Minnesota Police Department officers and supervisors have received training in the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS). When a serious incident occurs that causes an immediate threat to the campus, the first responders to the scene are often the UMPD, the Minneapolis Fire Department or the St. Paul Fire Department, and local EMS. These first responders typically work together to manage the incident. Depending on the nature of the incident, other University of Minnesota departments and other local, state or federal agencies could be involved in responding to the incident.
General information about the emergency response and evacuation procedures for the University of Minnesota are to be publicized each year as part of the institution’s Clery Act compliance efforts, which is available on the UMPD website. Detailed information about and updates to the University’s Emergency Operations Plan, and departmental Operational Continuity Plans are available on the Emergency Plans page.
All members of the University of Minnesota community are notified on an annual basis that they are required to notify the UMPD of any situation or incident on campus that involves a significant emergency or dangerous situation that may involve an immediate or ongoing threat to the health and safety of students and/or employees on campus. The UMPD has the responsibility of responding to, and summoning the necessary resources to mitigate, investigate and document any situation that may cause a significant emergency or dangerous situation. In addition, the UMPD has a responsibility to respond to such incidents to determine if the situation does, in fact, pose a threat to the community. If that is the case, federal law requires that the institution immediately notify the campus community or the appropriate segments of the community that may be affected by the situation.
Notification to the U of M community of an immediate threat
The Public Safety Emergency Communications Center (PSECC) receives information from various people on campus via 911 and the non-emergency police department number, 624-COPS. If the PSECC confirms that there is an emergency or dangerous situation that poses an immediate threat to the health or safety of some or all members of the University community, the PSECC will send out appropriate notifications to administration. The PSECC is responsible for initiating SAFE-U messages, Campus-Wide Emergency Alert System messages and tone alert radio messages. For incidents that require broader notification, administrators will collaborate with University Relations to determine the content of the notification and will use some or all of the systems described below to communicate the threat to the University community.
In the event of a serious incident that poses an immediate threat to members of the University community, the University has various systems in place for communicating information quickly. Some or all of these methods of communication may be activated in the event of an immediate threat to the University community. These methods of communication include the University website, emails, emergency text messages, outdoor voice-activated speakers, tone alert radio messages, social media and phone calls. The University will release updates during a critical incident, as necessary.