- Store controlled substances in a locked safe bolted to an immovable object.
- Store controlled substances separately from other drugs and materials.
- Limit access to the safe.
- For expired drugs, mark the container "Expired" and segregate in the safe.
- Complete a controlled substances disposal form and send an email to DEHS. Disposal procedures will be covered later.
- Store the slurry bottle with contaminated waste controlled substances in the safe.
- Store controlled substances requiring cold storage in a refrigerator or freezer with a locked door.
- Change the code whenever an authorized user leaves the lab
A safe with a digital electronic lock whose code can be re-set as laboratory staff changes is recommended. This also avoids the issue of key control. It is also necessary to have a separate safe for each Authorized User Lab.
Most electronic safes have an override key which should only be used in case of emergency if the battery runs down. Replace the battery immediately and secure the override key where only one or two Authorized Users have access to it.
Before purchasing a safe be sure that you pay attention to the safe dimensions as it relates to the amount of controlled substances you will store and the amount of space you have for installation. Be aware of how the door opens in relation to the installation site.
Many of the safes purchased to store controlled substances are small hand gun safes.
Two models used on campus:
Stack On Drawer or Wall Safe PDS 1505
RoadPro LCD Electronic Digital Safe