As established in Minnesota law, the primary purpose of the Minnesota State Building Code (MSBC) is to provide minimum standards to safeguard life and limb, health, property, and public welfare by regulating and controlling the design, construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy, location, and maintenance of all structures and equipment specifically covered by the code.
The Minnesota State Building Code (MSBC) contains various Minnesota rule chapters that regulate different parts of building construction. Although compiled as separate chapters, the compilation is identified as the Minnesota State Building Code. As part of the State rule-making process, national model codes are usually referenced for adoption. Minnesota also writes and adopts several of its own building construction codes. Some of these rules include: the Administrative Provisions of the Building Code, the Minnesota Plumbing Code, the Minnesota Energy Code, and the Minnesota Accessibility Code.
2020 Minnesota State Building Code (MSBC)
The 2020 Minnesota State Building Code is effective March 31, 2020.
2020 MSBC contains the following documents:
MN Rule 1300 Administration of the Minnesota State Building Code
MN Rule 1303 Minnesota Provisions of the State Building Code
MN Rule 1305 Adoption of the 2018* International Building Code (IBC)
MN Rule 1309 Adoption of the 2018* International Residential Code (IRC)
MN Rule 1311 Minnesota Conservation Code for Existing Buildings adoption of the 2018* International Existing Building Code (IEBC)
MN Rule 1315 Adoption of the 2023 National Electrical Code (NEC)
MN Rule 1325 Solar Energy Systems
MN Rule 1341 Minnesota Accessibility Code/2018* IBC/2009* ANSI 117.1
MN Rule 1346 Adoption of the 2018* International Mechanical Code (IMC)
MN Rule 1360 Prefabricated Structures
MN Rule 1361 Industrialized/Modular Buildings
MN Rule 4714 Minnesota Plumbing Code adoption of the 2018* Uniform Plumbing Code
MN Rule 1322 (Residential) and 1323 (Commercial) 2024 Minnesota Energy Code /ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 - 2019
* See Minnesota Amendments
2020 Minnesota State Fire Code (MSFC)
MN Rule 7511 Adoption of the 2018* International Fire Code (IFC)
* See Minnesota Amendments