Human and Non-Human Primate Cells, Tissue, and Bodily Fluids
Potential Exposure Hazards
- Bloodborne pathogens
- Other pathogens that may be present in tissues, cells, and human derived products
- Cells containing viral agents used for transformation
- Self-inoculation with tumorigenic human cells
- Unidentified viral material
Standard Practices
Performing Research
- Handle all human and other primate cells, tissues, and human derived products with Biosafety Level 2 practices
- Perform work in a biosafety cabinet
- Use secondary containment for centrifugation
- Disinfect liquid waste with bleach (10% final concentration for 30-minutes) or autoclave liquids for 30-minutes before disposal
- Disinfect solid waste by autoclaving for 60-minutes before disposal (see the Autoclaving Waste Fact Sheet), or dispose in red biohazard bag
- Follow biohazards decontamination and spill clean-up procedures
Training and Vaccinations
- Complete Bloodborne Pathogen Training
- All supervisors must offer lab workers the Hepatitis B vaccination and have employees sign declination form if they refuse vaccination
Exposure Response
- Have all exposures (needlesticks, contamination of non-intact skin, splashes to eyes, face, and mucous membranes) evaluated by a medical professional; see the Clinical Services page for providers or the individuals may see their health care provider of choice.
- Report all exposure incidents to your supervisor and fill out an online First Report of Injury (eFROI).
- Fill out an IBC Incident Report if the incident occurred while working under an IBC protocol.