Prior to writing a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), a Biological Risk Assessment must be conducted.
General Guidelines
Every SOP Must Include
- Date written, dates of revisions, name of person that wrote the SOP
- Procedural methods/materials (detailed enough to allow someone to complete the procedure)
- Risk identification
- Exposure controls
- Waste disposal
- Spill procedures
- Accident procedures
- Any pertinent references
- Any required record keeping
SOPs must be lab-specific. They should not consist of copies of manufacturer's inserts, manuals from other sources, or another lab's SOP (unless work is collaborative and carried out in the same research space). You may, however, wish to refer to other documents.
See sample SOP Template. Expand each section as needed. The template is for guidance only and is not meant to be all-inclusive or a required format.
A Completed SOPs Should Be
- Brief, succinct, and usable
- Used to train all new employees (remember to document training)
- Reviewed with employees as part of their annual laboratory-specific safety update training (document training)
- Reviewed annually for accuracy and completeness by supervisor and workers
- Available in the laboratory for worker reference
- Submitted with all IBC applications
- Used as a lab-specific supplement to the department's Lab Safety Plan
- Signed by supervisor if written by someone other than P.I. or lab director