Eyewashes and Emergency Showers
Eyewashes must be flushed weekly by the user. This will ensure that the eyewash is working, and that the water is clean, should emergency use become necessary. The user must post a log near the eyewash to document that it is being flushed every week. These logs are considered equipment maintenance records and therefore should be kept for 1-year. An eyewash record template is available online.
Facilities Management tests emergency showers annually. Facilities Management will document their testing on separate tags.
Please contact Facilities Management at (612) 624-2900 if the eyewash is not functioning properly or if the emergency shower has not been tested within the past year.
Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers are provided to the laboratory by Facilities Management. All fire extinguishers must be mounted to the wall and must have a tag indicating an inspection within the past year.
Access to fire extinguishers must be kept free of obstructions.
Maintenance and Testing
Fire extinguishers will be checked annually by a University contractor. Contact Facilities Management at (612) 624-2900 if the fire extinguisher is out of date, has been discharged, or is not mounted.
For more resources on fire extinguisher use and selection and the use of Class D fire extinguishers, see the fact sheets located in the Lab Safe Google Drive.