Some U of M locations such as shops and maintenance areas (and some laboratories) may choose to manage their waste in what is referred to as a central accumulation area rather than a SAA. Under this management plan, waste is generated at one location such as a jobsite and then taken to another location for storage and pickup by HSRM (not stored at or near the point of generation as with SAAs). While there are some advantages to managing waste under this model, there are also additional requirements such as documented weekly inspections, a 90-day or 180-day storage limit (depending on location), additional spill cleanup supplies and emergency response equipment, and annual training. Therefore, HSRM strongly discourages managing waste in this manner unless it is absolutely necessary. For detailed requirements regarding managing waste in Central Accumulation Areas, contact HSRM (612) 626-1604 or [email protected].
8.3.2 Central Accumulation Areas